News Bulletin4 years ago
Eyewitness films hundreds of dead birds in Rome streets
Italian Diego Fenicchia was driving in the capital Rome on January 1 when he saw dead birds on the streets.
Eyewitness films hundreds of dead birds in Rome streets
News Bulletin4 years ago
Press TV The Lite Bulletin
Some artists are employing the novel coronavirus to produce creative works. 
Press TV The Lite Bulletin
Economy5 years ago
Iran blames botulism for death of migratory birds
Iranian authorities say avian botulism was the cause of deaths for thousands of birds in Miankaleh.
Iran blames botulism for death of migratory birds
Culture5 years ago
Locals help stork build nest in viral Iran video
A video showing villagers helping a stork build its nest has been widely shared among Iranian social media users.
Locals help stork build nest in viral Iran video
More5 years ago
Sanctuary celebrates birth of rare flamingo chick
A chick from an endangered species has been born far from its native home.
Sanctuary celebrates birth of rare flamingo chick
News Bulletin5 years ago
Exotic bird fanciers show off their parrots
These rare birds are typically found in the swampy tropical rainforests of South America.
Exotic bird fanciers show off their parrots
News Bulletin5 years ago
Qataris enjoy Doha's international falcon exhibition
Qataris passionate about falconry visit the S'hail exhibition, an international event held in Doha since 2017.
Qataris enjoy Doha's international falcon exhibition
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