Economy8 years ago
UK bracing for more austerity measures
George Osborne presents the UK government’s annual budget to the House of Commons, including more austerity measures.
UK bracing for more austerity measures
Economy8 years ago
Osborne drops pensions reform
British finance minister has decided to drop plans for a pensions overhaul.
Osborne drops pensions reform
Economy8 years ago
'Britain could face fresh spending cuts'
British finance minister says the country may have to impose fresh public spending cuts in next month's budget.
'Britain could face fresh spending cuts'
Business8 years ago
Osborne: Brits may face more cuts
UK Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne says the Tory government may make more spending cuts as the latest data show Britain’s economic recovery is not as advanced as expected.
Osborne: Brits may face more cuts
Economy9 years ago
'Brexit, profound economic shock for UK'
The UK's Treasury Chief George Osborne says Britain will undergo a "profound economic shock" should voters decide to leave the EU.
'Brexit, profound economic shock for UK'
Economy9 years ago
UK economic growth forecast downgraded
Britain’s leading employers’ organization cuts expected economic growth a further 0.3 percentage point.
UK economic growth forecast downgraded
Economy9 years ago
British Chancellor warns of tough year ahead
Chancellor of Exchequer warns of the risks to the UK from global market turmoil.
British Chancellor warns of tough year ahead
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