Palestine11 months ago
Palestinian fighters parade captured Israeli military vehicles
Palestinian fighters parade captured Israeli military vehicles after border raid.
Palestinian fighters parade captured Israeli military vehicles
News Headlinesone year ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 09:00 GMT, September 22, 2023
Press TV's news headlines
Defenseone year ago
Iranian Navy seeking 'effective presence' in international arena: Cmdr.
Iranian Navy Commander Rear Admiral Shahram Irani says his force is always seeking to have an effective and successful presence in the international arena.
Iranian Navy seeking 'effective presence' in international arena: Cmdr.
Defenseone year ago
Iran unveils new homegrown military hardware in National Army Day parade
The Iranian Army’s units have unveils a broad range of advanced gear such as homegrown drones and missile systems in a parade marking the National Army Day.
Iran unveils new homegrown military hardware in National Army Day parade
Yemen2 years ago
Yemen stages huge military parade to mark September 21 revolution
Troops from various units of Yemeni Armed Forces hold a massive military parade in the capital Sana’a to commemorate the eighth anniversary of the September 21 revolution.
Yemen stages huge military parade to mark September 21 revolution
Society2 years ago
Driver rams into Native American parade in US city, injuries at least 15
A New Mexico man driving under the influence has rammed into a parade celebrating Native American culture in the western part of the US state, leaving at least 15 people injured.
Driver rams into Native American parade in US city, injuries at least 15
Iraq2 years ago
Iraq’s Hashd al-Sha'abi marks 8th anniversary with military parade
Iraq’s anti-terror resistance group Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) has unveiled new military achievements during a parade to mark the 8th anniversary of its formation.
Iraq’s Hashd al-Sha'abi marks 8th anniversary with military parade
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