radioactive contamination
Society4 years ago
Radioactive water leak shuts down reactor at US power plant
Radioactive water leak shuts down a nuclear reactor at a US power plant in Virginia.
Radioactive water leak shuts down reactor at US power plant
News Bulletin5 years ago
Press TV The Lite Bulletin
Going green has become popular as people take steps to help preserve the Earth for future generations.
Press TV The Lite Bulletin
Russia7 years ago
Russia detects radioactivity, confirming European readings
Russia reports “extremely high” concentrations of the radioactive isotope ruthenium-106 in the country, confirming European readings of such contamination in the air.
Russia detects radioactivity, confirming European readings
Society7 years ago
Nuclear waste Tunnel collapses in US
A tunnel that contains train carriages full of radioactive waste has collapsed in the US state of Washington.
Nuclear waste Tunnel collapses in US
Interviews8 years ago
‘US supplied DU weaponry to terrorists in Syria’
American radiation expert Leuren Moret says the whole country of Syria is plagued with radioactive contamination.
‘US supplied DU weaponry to terrorists in Syria’
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