New Zealand
Society2 months ago
Major global IT outage hits airlines, banks, media outlets
An outage of IT systems worldwide affects businesses, including banks, airlines, telecommunications companies, media broadcasters, supermarkets and hospitals.
Major global IT outage hits airlines, banks, media outlets
More4 months ago
Australia, New Zealand evacuating nationals from New Caledonia amid protests
Australia and New Zealand are sending planes to New Caledonia to evacuate nationals stranded in the French-ruled territory which has experienced deadly protests.
Australia, New Zealand evacuating nationals from New Caledonia amid protests
Palestine7 months ago
New Zealand's maritime union opposes country's Red Sea military involvement
New Zealand's maritime union voices its opposition to a decision by Wellington to deploy a detachment of the country’s military to the Red Sea, amid rising tensions in strategic waters.
New Zealand's maritime union opposes country's Red Sea military involvement
News Bulletin10 months ago
New Zealanders march in the capital to show support for Palestine
Thousands of New Zealanders rallied in the capital Wellington, marching to Parliament House in support of the Palestinian people.
New Zealanders march in the capital to show support for Palestine
Palestine11 months ago
New Zealand’s ruling party commits to recognizing state of Palestine
Media reports say New Zealand’s ruling Labour Party plans to recognize the state of Palestine.
New Zealand’s ruling party commits to recognizing state of Palestine
News Headlinesone year ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 09:00 GMT, March 17, 2023.
Press TV's news headlines
Moreone year ago
Nearly 50,000 teachers strike in New Zealand over pay, cost of living
Nearly 50,000 teachers and early childhood educators in New Zealand have walked off their jobs, demanding better pay and working conditions, after union talks with the Ministry of Education stalled.
Nearly 50,000 teachers strike in New Zealand over pay, cost of living
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