Turkey5 months ago
Erdogan concedes local elections setback, calling results 'turning point' for his party
The Turkish president concedes his ruling party did not achieve the desired results from local elections.
Erdogan concedes local elections setback, calling results 'turning point' for his party
Pakistan7 months ago
Pakistan counts votes after polling day hit by suspension of mobile services
Pakistan has begun counting votes in a general election marred by violence and suspension of mobile phone services.
Pakistan counts votes after polling day hit by suspension of mobile services
Palestine8 months ago
US election top risk to world no matter who wins: Report
The Eurasia Group cites the 2024 US presidential election as the top global political risk no matter who wins.
US election top risk to world no matter who wins: Report
News Headlinesone year ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 09:00 GMT, May 29, 2023
Press TV's news headlines
Moreone year ago
Thailand's opposition leader claims victory, voices readiness to become PM
Thailand's opposition leader Pita Limjaroenrat claims victory in the nation's general election and declares readiness to assume premiership.
Thailand's opposition leader claims victory, voices readiness to become PM
Politicsone year ago
Biden, 80, announces bid for 2024 US presidential election
US President Joe Biden, 80,  has announced his 2024 reelection campaign setting the scene for a rematch against Donald Trump.
Biden, 80, announces bid for 2024 US presidential election
EU2 years ago
In first, party with neo-Nazi roots to join coalition, form govt. in Sweden
An anti-immigrant party with neo-Nazi roots is set to join a ruling coalition to form a new government in Sweden after a narrow but dramatic victory in general elections.
In first, party with neo-Nazi roots to join coalition, form govt. in Sweden
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