Culture24 days ago
Message from Arbaeen Walk: The path to Al-Quds passes through Karbala
Millions of people from around the world, after walking approximately 80 kilometers from the holy city of Najaf, have gathered in the holy city of Karbala to commemorate the Arba’een of the martyrs of Karbala.
Message from Arbaeen Walk: The path to Al-Quds passes through Karbala
InfoClips25 days ago
From Karbala to Gaza: All eyes on Gaza during ‘Arbaeen Walk’
This year’s Arbaeen pilgrimage, where millions march from Najaf to Karbala, carries a powerful message of solidarity with Palestine.
From Karbala to Gaza: All eyes on Gaza during ‘Arbaeen Walk’
Iraq25 days ago
Millions of pilgrims descending on Karbala to commemorate Arba'een
Millions of pilgrims from across the world are converging on the central Iraqi holy city of Karbala for the annual Arba’een commemoration.
Millions of pilgrims descending on Karbala to commemorate Arba'een
Culture25 days ago
From Karbala to Gaza: During ‘Arbaeen Walk’ this year, all eyes are on Gaza
Pilgrims walking from Najaf to Karbala this year have come out fully in support of Palestinians in Gaza, calling for an end to the Israeli genocidal war and occupation.
From Karbala to Gaza: During ‘Arbaeen Walk’ this year, all eyes are on Gaza
Religion25 days ago
Every year, millions of people from around the world embark on a heartfelt pilgrimage on foot to the sacred shrine of Imam Husayn in Karbala, Iraq, seeking spiritual solace and connection.
News Headlines26 days ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 10:00 GMT, August 23,2024
Press TV's news headlines
Politics28 days ago
Iran offers condolences over deaths of Pakistani pilgrims in bus crash in Yazd
Iranian Vice President Aref extends his sincere condolences over the deaths of at least 28 Pakistani pilgrims heading to the Iraqi city of Karbala in a bus crash.
Iran offers condolences over deaths of Pakistani pilgrims in bus crash in Yazd
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