China4 years ago
Taiwan military drilling with live fire for first time in 13 years
Taiwan is conducting annual military maneuvers in which it is also drilling with live fire for the first time in 13 years, amid tensions with mainland China.
Taiwan military drilling with live fire for first time in 13 years
Politics4 years ago
US approves sale of 18 torpedoes to Taiwan amid China tension
The United States approves the sale of 18 heavyweight torpedoes to Taiwan for $180 million amid tense relationship with China.
US approves sale of 18 torpedoes to Taiwan amid China tension
Defense8 years ago
Iran Navy test-fires new torpedo as drills end
Valfajr Torpedo is fired from Navy’s Qadir submarine and successfully hits the designated target.
Iran Navy test-fires new torpedo as drills end
Defense8 years ago
Iran to build supersonic cruise missiles
The Iranian defense minister says the country is close to producing marine cruise missiles with supersonic speed soon.
Iran to build supersonic cruise missiles
Defense9 years ago
Iran mass-produces smart torpedo
Iran launches the mass production of a smart and high-speed torpedo, dubbed Valfajr.
Iran mass-produces smart torpedo
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