Society3 years ago
Government bans ‘anti-capitalist’ material from schools
In an extraordinary move the Department for Education has set strict guidelines for schools to avoid using any material attributed to 'anti-capitalist' groups.
Government bans ‘anti-capitalist’ material from schools
Economic Divide4 years ago
Is capitalism dead?
Is capitalism dead?
Is capitalism dead?
Politics5 years ago
Sanctions on Leader? Ending myth of ‘Millionaire Mullah’ (2)
The Islamic Revolution did something which enrages Western imperialist-capitalists. Here, I very briefly explain how and why the West can persist with its “Millionaire Mullah” mythology.
Sanctions on Leader? Ending myth of ‘Millionaire Mullah’ (2)
Economic Divide5 years ago
Tipping point for world inequality
This episode of the program is about the state and extent of inequality in the capitalist system.
Tipping point for world inequality
Economic Divide5 years ago
Trump's Socialism in the age of Capitalism
Bernie Sanders say Trump’s tax overhaul which was promised to benefit the middle class has actually made the rich richer.
Trump's Socialism in the age of Capitalism
We the People5 years ago
Capitalism vs. socialism
This episode of the program is about internal politics of the US and notions of the capitalism and socialism are discussed.
Capitalism vs. socialism
China6 years ago
China’s expected surge in pets spending draws criticism
A forecast double-digit jump in spending by Chinese pet owners on their furry companions this year has been met with disbelief and even hostility on Chinese social media.
China’s expected surge in pets spending draws criticism
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