News Headlinesone year ago
Press TV's News Headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 09:00 GMT, on March 18, 2023.
Press TV's News Headlines
Reportsone year ago
Divisions grow between EU nations over new refugee crisis
EU home affairs ministers are set to hold an emergency meeting on Friday to discuss the growing refugee crisis in the 27-nation bloc.
Divisions grow between EU nations over new refugee crisis
France2 years ago
French fishermen block British boats to protest UK-granted rights
French fishermen disrupt cross-Channel traffic in protest at the post-Brexit fishing rights granted by Britain.
French fishermen block British boats to protest UK-granted rights
France2 years ago
Britain's labour laws encourage illegal migrant crossings: French minister
The French government says it is “negatively affected” by UK’s labor laws which have caused thousands of migrants to attempt the perilous crossing of the English Channel.
Britain's labour laws encourage illegal migrant crossings: French minister
Reports3 years ago
Protest held in Rome against Italy-Libya anti-migration deal
On Wednesday in the Italian capital, humanitarian activists gathered outside the Italian Parliament to stage a protest against an anti-migration deal between Rome and Tripoli.
Protest held in Rome against Italy-Libya anti-migration deal
India3 years ago
UK, India announce investment and migration agreements
The United Kingdom and India have announced 1 billion pounds of private-sector trade and investment as well as a migration agreement.
UK, India announce investment and migration agreements
Society3 years ago
US migrant smugglers utilize deep freeze in Texas 
Migrant smugglers in the United States are taking advantage of the deep freeze in Texas to bring in more people from Mexico.
US migrant smugglers utilize deep freeze in Texas 
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