Economy2 months ago
Iran to launch two major satellites in coming weeks: ISA chief
An official says Iran is preparing two major satellite launches for the upcoming weeks.
Iran to launch two major satellites in coming weeks: ISA chief
News Bulletin3 months ago
South Korea conducts fighter jet drills amid North's plan to launch satellite
South Korea has staged an air exercise amid North's plan to launch a satellite.
South Korea conducts fighter jet drills amid North's plan to launch satellite
InfoClips6 months ago
Iran’s Pars-1 satellite boosts country’s remote-sensing capabilities
Iran's Pars-1 remote-sensing satellite was launched into space.
 Iran’s Pars-1 satellite boosts country’s remote-sensing capabilities
News Headlines6 months ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's news headlines at 17:00 GMT, February 29, 2024.
Press TV's news headlines
Reports6 months ago
Iran successfully launches homegrown ‘Pars1’ satellite
Iran has launched yet another home-grown satellite.
Iran successfully launches homegrown ‘Pars1’ satellite
Explainer6 months ago
Iran's launch of satellites
Iran has successfully launched not one or two, but three satellites into orbit simultaneously.
Iran's launch of satellites
Reports7 months ago
Iran launches 3 satellites into space simultaneously for first time
For the first time, Iran sends three domestically-developed satellites into space simultaneously.
Iran launches 3 satellites into space simultaneously for first time
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