arrest petition
Palestine5 years ago
‘Saudi Arabia arrests over 60 for supporting Hamas’
Saudi officials have reportedly arrested more than 60 people for supporting Palestinian Hamas resistance movement.
‘Saudi Arabia arrests over 60 for supporting Hamas’
Turkey6 years ago
Turkish attorneys seek arrest of US officers in Incirlik
A group of pro-government lawyers in Turkey have filed a legal petition for the arrest of nearly a dozen US officers at the Incirlik base.
Turkish attorneys seek arrest of US officers in Incirlik
Saudi Arabia7 years ago
Saudi detains activist over slamming Israel ties
Saudi authorities have arrested activist Noha al-Balawi after criticizing the Riyadh regime’s efforts to normalize relations with Israel.
Saudi detains activist over slamming Israel ties
Brazil7 years ago
Brazilian police nab presidential aide
Brazil’s police have arrested a presidential aide and two other officials to investigate the 2014 World Cup’s most expensive stadium.
Brazilian police nab presidential aide
News Bulletin9 years ago
Nigerian army confirms arrest of top shia cleric
The Nigerian army confirms the arrest of a Muslim leader in the northern city of Zaria as a picture emerges showing the cleric bloodied during arrest.
Nigerian army confirms arrest of top shia cleric
Foreign Policy9 years ago
Parl. rapped for refusing anti-Israel bid
The British Parliament has come under increasing fire over its decision to skip a debate on a petition calling for the arrest of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Parl. rapped for refusing anti-Israel bid
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