Double Standards
Palestine11 months ago
More Palestinians killed in early morning Israeli attacks on Gaza
At least 53 Palestinians have been killed in early morning Israeli airstrikes against various residential neighborhoods across the besieged Gaza Strip.
More Palestinians killed in early morning Israeli attacks on Gaza
News Headlines11 months ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories, 0200 GMT on October 10 , 2023
 Press TV's news headlines
IN-DEPTHone year ago
Muslims disproportionately unbanked in Britain
The UK banking system has been criticized for its discriminatory policies towards Muslims and deep concerns have been expressed over the arbitrary closure of bank accounts belonging to Muslim individuals and Muslim organizations.
Muslims disproportionately unbanked in Britain
Politicsone year ago
Iran dismisses UN fact-finding mission as ‘politically-motivated’
Iran says the establishment of a mission by the UN Human Rights Council on last year riots has been "a politically-motivated and unacceptable" move.
Iran dismisses UN fact-finding mission as ‘politically-motivated’
Viewpointone year ago
Death of Titanic explorers captivates world, not shipwreck killing migrants
The tragic shipwrecks killing hundreds of poor migrants went unnoticed in the mainstream Western media but the implosion of Titan submersible killing five wealthy explorers grabbed headlines.
Death of Titanic explorers captivates world, not shipwreck killing migrants
Syriaone year ago
Assad slams West’s double standards on humanitarian situation in Syria
The Syrian president said the Western approach is nothing new.
Assad slams West’s double standards on humanitarian situation in Syria
Iraqone year ago
Teenage Iraqi girl killed during US military drills
A teenage girl has been killed during American military drills and near a US military camp close to the international airport in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.
Teenage Iraqi girl killed during US military drills
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