Politics8 months ago
Iran’s snap presidential vote testament to robustness of its democracy: Ex-diplomat
Iran’s presidential election demonstrates the nation’s commitment to participatory and competitive democratic processes, serving as a testament to the robustness of its democracy, says an analyst.
Iran’s snap presidential vote testament to robustness of its democracy: Ex-diplomat
Iran Election Analysis9 months ago
A foreigner’s take: Elections in Iran represent the true spirit of democracy
Contrary to what Western media headlines say about elections in Iran, what I have witnessed is vibrancy of democratic processes and the true spirit of democracy.
A foreigner’s take: Elections in Iran represent the true spirit of democracy
Politicsone year ago
Iran Elections: Voters say no to Western naysayers, yes to Islamic Republic
Despite massive media campaign in the West to dissuade Iranians from participating in this week’s elections, voters came out to say a resounding ‘no’ to naysayers and upheld democratic values.
Iran Elections: Voters say no to Western naysayers, yes to Islamic Republic
Politicsone year ago
Iranians bracing for key votes to elect members of Parliament, Assembly of Experts
Iranian will cast their votes on Friday to elect members of Parliament and the Assembly of Experts.
Iranians bracing for key votes to elect members of Parliament, Assembly of Experts
Moreone year ago
Indonesia's Prabowo declares victory as president after preliminary counts
Indonesia’s defense minister and former general Prabowo Subianto declared victory after preliminary counts from government-approved pollsters indicated he would win high office with a majority in his third attempt.
Indonesia's Prabowo declares victory as president after preliminary counts
IN-DEPTHone year ago
Statehood: Distraction from Genocide in Gaza
Western States, especially the UK, are trying to resurrect the two-state solution as they move for the first time to endorse a Palestinian state.
Statehood: Distraction from Genocide in Gaza
Palestine Declassifiedone year ago
Democracy for Palestine
In this week's show, we’ll be focusing on the new-found Western commitment to the so-called two-state solution in response to the genocide being perpetrated by Israel in Gaza.
Democracy for Palestine
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