Iran Tech11 months ago
Radio-pharmaceuticals: Iodine therapy
Lutetium and Gallium are used in radiotherapy for treatment and diagnosis purposes.
Radio-pharmaceuticals: Iodine therapy
News Headlinesone year ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories, 18:00 GMT on September 21, 2023.
Press TV's news headlines
Reportsone year ago
Iran’s Pardis Technology Park unveils 12 new products
Iran’s Pardis Technology Park has unveiled twelve new products invented by its knowledge-based firms.
Iran’s Pardis Technology Park unveils 12 new products
Iran Techone year ago
Why are Buggies so Fun to Drive?
In this episode of Iran Tech, we will take a deep dive into the main characteristics of a buggy.
Why are Buggies so Fun to Drive?
Iran Techone year ago
Electro-static particle accelerator
Particle accelerators are a source of radiation.
Electro-static particle accelerator
Iran Techone year ago
Gas pipeline maintenance
Iran holds the world's second largest natural gas reserves.
Gas pipeline maintenance
Reportsone year ago
Iran successfully tests homegrown plane engine
Iran taking another giant technological leap.
Iran successfully tests homegrown plane engine
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