Politics2 months ago
Iran arrests main culprit behind Kerman terrorist attack
Iran arrests a central figure in orchestrating two terrorist blasts in the southeastern city of Kerman in January.
Iran arrests main culprit behind Kerman terrorist attack
Iran2 months ago
An insider's view of Iran: Kerman and the Qajar Bathhouse
This episode takes us to a village in Kerman and introduces a traditional bathhouse in Qazvin.
An insider's view of Iran: Kerman and the Qajar Bathhouse
News Headlines7 months ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 2:00 GMT on January 4, 2024.
Press TV's news headlines
Politics8 months ago
Intelligence Ministry: Terrorists in Kerman bombings killed, arrested
Iran’s Intelligence Ministry says its forces have killed two terrorists and arrested a number of others linked to the recent Daesh-claimed terrorist attack in Kerman.
Intelligence Ministry: Terrorists in Kerman bombings killed, arrested
News Headlines8 months ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 16:00 GMT on January 16, 2024
Press TV's news headlines
Politics8 months ago
IRGC anti-terror strikes in line with defending Iran’s sovereignty, citizens: Foreign Ministry
The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman says the attacks recently conducted by the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) against terrorists’ positions in Syria and an Israeli espionage center in Iraq were part of the “just punishment” against violators of Iran’s security after a terrorist attack hit the city of Kerman.
IRGC anti-terror strikes in line with defending Iran’s sovereignty, citizens: Foreign Ministry
Reports8 months ago
Independent journalists gather in Tehran to give voice to 'the oppressed'
A conference dubbed “Media alliance against Zionist and ISIS terrorism from Gaza to Kerman” has been held in the Iranian capital Tehran.
Independent journalists gather in Tehran to give voice to 'the oppressed'
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