Iran sanctions
Politicsone year ago
Iran slaps retaliatory sanctions on EU, Britain
Iran has announced the imposition of retaliatory sanctions against a number of EU and British individuals and entities.
Iran slaps retaliatory sanctions on EU, Britain
Spotlightone year ago
EU Iran sanctions
This episode looks at how the countries that sanction Iranian officials on the basis of human rights are all guilty of that crime.
EU Iran sanctions
Foreign Policyone year ago
List of honors: British foreign secretary takes pride in sanctioning, warmongering in 2022
UK foreign secretary proudly flaunts the figures of the government’s so-called achievements of sanctioning officials and freezing assets of other countries in 2022, amidst the worsening cost of living crisis across the country.
List of honors: British foreign secretary takes pride in sanctioning, warmongering in 2022
News Headlinesone year ago
Press TV's News Headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories, 02:00 GMT on October 18, 2022
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News Headlinesone year ago
Press TV's News Headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories, 02:00 GMT on October 11, 2022
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Spotlightone year ago
West anti-Iran approach
Iran has been a target of Western sanctions for some time, and now, with the most recent demonstrations of foreign-sponsored riots, more sanctions are coming.
West anti-Iran approach
News Headlines2 years ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories, 0200 GMT on August 24, 2022.
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