Imam Ali martyrdom
Reports3 years ago
Imam Ali's character highlighted in an art workshop
Music is mixed with the art of painting here to narrate a tragic story from the past. The story of assassinating Imam Ali, the first Shia Imam, who was killed while he was praying in a mosque in the Iraqi city of Kufa some 14 centuries ago.
Imam Ali's character highlighted in an art workshop
Society3 years ago
Iranian mourners mark martyrdom anniversary of Imam Ali
Iranians mourn on the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS), the first Shia Imam, in outdoor events while observing social distancing rules due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Iranian mourners mark martyrdom anniversary of Imam Ali
Reports3 years ago
Yemenis commemorate martyrdom of Imam Ali
The great mosque of Yemen's capital Sana'a hosted a symposium aimed at commemorating the martyrdom of Imam Ali.
Yemenis commemorate martyrdom of Imam Ali
Society6 years ago
Iranians mourn on martyrdom anniversary of Imam Ali
Iranians mark the anniversary of the martyrdom of Imam Ali (PBUH), one of the most revered icons of Shia Islam.
Iranians mourn on martyrdom anniversary of Imam Ali
Society8 years ago
Iran mourns first Shia Imam martyrdom
Iranians are commemorating the anniversary of the martyrdom of the first Shia Imam, Imam Ali (PBUH).
Iran mourns first Shia Imam martyrdom
Society8 years ago
Muslims in Iran mark Night of Destiny
Millions of people across Iran have observed the Night of Destiny in prayers and pleas for divine forgiveness.
Muslims in Iran mark Night of Destiny
Reports9 years ago
Millions mark martyrdom anniversary of Imam Ali in Najaf
Millions of mourners and worshippers have poured into Iraq’s holy cities of Najaf and Karbala from across the world to mark the Nights of Decree, also known as Laylat al-Qadr.
Millions mark martyrdom anniversary of Imam Ali in Najaf
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