Pro-Palestine protests
Politics2 months ago
Iran blacklists 11 US officials over suppressing pro-Palestine protests
The Iranian Foreign Ministry imposes sanctions on nearly a dozen American individuals for their role in clamping down on pro-Palestinian protests in condemnation of Israel’s war on Gaza.
Iran blacklists 11 US officials over suppressing pro-Palestine protests
EU3 months ago
Swedish police crack down on pro-Palestine protests, arrest 30 students
Students were participating in a peaceful encampment demonstration at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) on Friday.
Swedish police crack down on pro-Palestine protests, arrest 30 students
InfoClips3 months ago
US court orders ban on pro-Palestine protests
Iran has condemned the controversial court ruling that bans pro-Palestine demonstrations and strikes at University of California.
US court orders ban on pro-Palestine protests
News Headlines3 months ago
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Explainer3 months ago
Iran's open letter to US university students
The Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, has written a letter to US students addressing the issue of Palestine.
Iran's open letter to US university students
News Headlines3 months ago
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