Palestine8 months ago
McDonald’s and Starbucks sink as anti-Israel boycott drive makes headway
Amid the global anti-Israel boycott campaign over the genocide in Gaza, American multinational fast food and coffee chains such as McDonald’s and Starbucks have suffered major losses.
McDonald’s and Starbucks sink as anti-Israel boycott drive makes headway
News Headlines9 months ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories, 09:00 GMT on December 03, 2023.
Press TV's news headlines
Palestine9 months ago
Finnish activists stage sit-in protest condemning Starbucks' ties to Israel
Pro-Palestine Finnish activists staged a sit-in outside a Starbucks cafe in Helsinki condemning alleged Starbucks’ ties to Israel.
Finnish activists stage sit-in protest condemning Starbucks' ties to Israel
Palestine10 months ago
Western brands hit hard by boycott campaign against Israeli goods
A boycott campaign against Israeli products over the war in Gaza has severely affected Western fast-food giants.
Western brands hit hard by boycott campaign against Israeli goods
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