Palestine13 days ago
Palestinian diagnosed with leukemia a week after release from Israeli jail
A former Palestinian prisoner has been diagnosed with leukemia only a week after his release from an Israeli prison.
Palestinian diagnosed with leukemia a week after release from Israeli jail
Palestine17 days ago
Palestinian man tortured to death while in Israeli detention
A Palestinian man arrested by Israeli forces in the northern West Bank has died of beatings and torture suffered during his detention.
Palestinian man tortured to death while in Israeli detention
News Headlines27 days ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 10:00 GMT, August 23,2024
Press TV's news headlines
Broadcast the webone month ago
UN rapporteur underscores Israel's torture of Palestinian inmates
UN Special Rapporteur for the occupied Palestinian territories underscores the Israeli regime's systematic and widespread torture of Palestinian prisoners.
UN rapporteur underscores Israel's torture of Palestinian inmates
Persian Gulfone month ago
Bahraini prisoners subjected to ‘psychological torture’: Report
Inmates kept at Bahrain’s Jau prison are subjected to “psychological torture”.
Bahraini prisoners subjected to ‘psychological torture’: Report
Palestineone month ago
Israeli doctor exposes shocking conditions at notorious prison
An Israeli military doctor has presented a horrendous testimony on the appalling and fairly inhumane conditions of sick Palestinian prisoners being held at a detention center in Israel. 
Israeli doctor exposes shocking conditions at notorious prison
Palestineone month ago
‘Beaten, tortured, blindfolded’: Palestinians recount horror in Israeli jail
A new report says Palestinians being held in Israel’s Ofer Prison face various forms of systematic abuse.
‘Beaten, tortured, blindfolded’: Palestinians recount horror in Israeli jail
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