China3 years ago
China: US must stop slandering others on virus origins, investigate own labs
China has called on the United States to stop slandering other countries over the origin of the coronavirus.
China: US must stop slandering others on virus origins, investigate own labs
China3 years ago
China rejects WHO call for further coronavirus origins probe
China has rejected the World Health Organization (WHO)'s calls for a new probe into the origins of the coronavirus, saying it supports “scientific” over “political” efforts to find out how the virus started.
China rejects WHO call for further coronavirus origins probe
News Headlines3 years ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here is the latest top stories from Press TV on August 3, 2021.
Press TV's news headlines
On The News Line3 years ago
Coronavirus origins questioned again
The coronavirus or Covid-19 as it became known may have originated from a laboratory in Wuhan.
Coronavirus origins questioned again
Foreign Policy3 years ago
US ‘could meet its Waterloo’ with probe into COVID origin: China
China has lambasted a newly-announced probe by the Biden administration into the origin of coronavirus, warning that Washington “could meet its Waterloo in this battle.”
US ‘could meet its Waterloo’ with probe into COVID origin: China
China3 years ago
Back-to-back tornadoes kill 10 in China
Back-to-back tornadoes killed at least 10 people in central and eastern China and left more than 300 others injured.
Back-to-back tornadoes kill 10 in China
China3 years ago
No basis to claims China withheld COVID-19 data: Chinese official
A senior Chinese health official rejects allegations that Beijing withheld data from a team of experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) investigating the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic.
No basis to claims China withheld COVID-19 data: Chinese official
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