Politics20 days ago
Iran blasts UK’s double standard on terrorism
The Iranian Embassy in London strongly condemns the UK’s dual approach on terrorism, based on which Britain has taken a lenient stance towards anti-Iran terrorists.
Iran blasts UK’s double standard on terrorism
Russia27 days ago
Russia compares Ukraine to Daesh, says Kiev killing civilians, staging 'nuclear terrorism'
Russia compares Ukraine to Daesh, saying Kiev harbors a vast array of terrorist plans similar to those that have been devised by the Takfiri terrorist group.
Russia compares Ukraine to Daesh, says Kiev killing civilians, staging 'nuclear terrorism'
Explainer29 days ago
World terrorism day
The issue of terrorism remains a bloody stain for many countries.
World terrorism day
News Headlinesone month ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 2:00 GMT on August 15, 2024.
Press TV's news headlines
Politicsone month ago
Iran: US primary defender, promoter of terror in region, world
Iran’s permanent ambassador to the UN calls the United States the primary defender and promoter of terrorism across the West Asia region and the world.
Iran: US primary defender, promoter of terror in region, world
Politicsone month ago
West has lost ‘dignity’ in Gaza genocidal campaign by backing Israel: Iran
Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kan'ani condemned the West’s double standards on the issues of terrorism and human rights.
West has lost ‘dignity’ in Gaza genocidal campaign by backing Israel: Iran
Defenseone month ago
IRGC chief: Israel will realize its 'miscalculation' after Iran’s crushing response
The IRGC chief commander calls the Israeli regime an entity born out of terrorism that will gradually fall prey to its own transgressions.
IRGC chief: Israel will realize its 'miscalculation' after Iran’s crushing response
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