Sports5 months ago
Iran Greco-Roman wrestlers win Asian championship
Iranian Greco-Roman wrestlers win the championship title in Asia’s top competition in Bishkek.
Iran Greco-Roman wrestlers win Asian championship
Moreone year ago
Malaysians vote in state elections, test for Anwar
Malaysians head to the polls in regional elections regarded as a major test of support for Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim's nine-month old administration.
Malaysians vote in state elections, test for Anwar
News Headlinesone year ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 09:00 GMT, July 17, 2023
Press TV's news headlines
Indiaone year ago
China's top diplomat calls for stable ties with India
Top diplomats of China and India hold talks during ASEAN meeting to discuss stability of ties and easing border tensions.
China's top diplomat calls for stable ties with India
Koreasone year ago
S. Korea landslides, floods kill 24, 10 missing, thousands evacuated
Torrential rains in South Korea lead to major floods and landslides in the country, killing 24, with 10 missing so far and prompting evacuation of thousands.
S. Korea landslides, floods kill 24, 10 missing, thousands evacuated
Reportsone year ago
Asia at center of global economic order
The opening ceremony of the meeting of the APA Standing Committee on Budget and Planning has been held in the Iranian capital, Tehran.
Asia at center of global economic order
Economyone year ago
Iran becomes Asia’s largest net dairy exporter: Report
Iran’s dairy exports reached 1.583 million mt in 2022 while imports hovered at around 0.086 million mt.
Iran becomes Asia’s largest net dairy exporter: Report
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