Qassem Soleimani
News Headlines7 months ago
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Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 2:00 GMT on January 4, 2024.
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Resistance8 months ago
72 Hours - Part II
This documentary unfolds the story of General Soleimani, the undisputed champion of war against terrorism in the region, 72 hours before being assassinated by the US.
72 Hours - Part II
Resistance8 months ago
72 Hours - Part I
This documentary unfolds the story of General Soleimani, the undisputed champion of war against terrorism in the region, 72 hours before being assassinated by the US.
72 Hours - Part I
Iraq8 months ago
Iraq wants ‘quick’ withdrawal of US forces: PM
The Iraqi premier says Washington’s military actions in the Arab country are destabilizing.
Iraq wants ‘quick’ withdrawal of US forces: PM
Iran Today8 months ago
Mourning the mourners: Kerman twin blasts
On January 3, a twin blast in the south-eastern Iranian city of Kerman targeted mourners marking the fourth martyrdom anniversary of Lieutenant General Hajj Qassem Soleimani.
Mourning the mourners: Kerman twin blasts
IN-DEPTH8 months ago
The legacy of Hajj Qassem
The enduring impact of Qassem Soleimani who was assassinated in a US drone strike authorized by the then US President Donald Trump in 2020, is undeniable.
The legacy of Hajj Qassem
Resistance8 months ago
Martyr of Al-Quds - Part III
This documentary is a gripping account of General Soleimani's leadership in coordinating disparate Palestinian factions into a cohesive resistance alliance against Israel, reigniting optimism among disillusioned Palestinians.
Martyr of Al-Quds - Part III
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