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Russia may expand nuclear capability to counter US efforts: Russian diplomat

A Russian intercontinental ballistic missile launcher Yars is displayed at the exposition field in Kubinka Patriot Park outside Moscow. (Photo by AFP).

In a move described by experts as a “clear signal to the West”, Russia has reaffirmed its right to use nuclear weapons in response to aggression from states that do not possess nuclear arms but are backed by a nuclear power.

The Russian Foreign Ministry’s special envoy, Grigory Mashkov, said in an interview on Thursday that the US's continued expansion of its global missile defense system effectively ends any possibility of strategic arms reduction and undermines strategic stability.

“Under these emerging realities, it is no longer possible to speak of strategic stability in its traditional bilateral context—otherwise, we risk falling into yet another illusion,” Mashkov stated.

He further stressed that Russia would reassess its commitments to transparency and confidence-building measures and would suspend discussions on nuclear risks and threats, as such talks have become meaningless amid the West’s relentless efforts to weaken Russia’s strategic and non-strategic nuclear deterrent forces.

Late last year, the Russian President Vladimir Putin warned that his country may use nuclear weapons in response to an attack with conventional arms, according to the country's nuclear doctrine, known formally as Basic Principles of State Policy on Nuclear Deterrence.

Moscow’s latest statements come in response to Donald Trump’s executive order last week, directing the US military to develop a “next-generation missile defense shield” modeled after the Israeli regime’s system.

The Iron Dome, a so-called air defense system, was developed by the Israeli regime with heavy US funding, and Washington continues to prop up its allies while destabilizing global security.

Meanwhile, earlier today, the Russian Foreign Ministry accused the US of deliberately disrupting the global nuclear balance and laying the groundwork for military confrontation in space—a move that further escalates tensions and threatens international security.

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