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Iran’s electricity use hits new record of 76.86 GW

Iran’s electricity use hit an all-time high of 76.86 gigawatts in the daytime peak hours of July 7.

Iran has reported a new record in electricity use as the power system in the country feels the heat amid soaring demand for cooling.

Figures released by the Energy Ministry on Monday showed that electricity consumption in Iran had reached an all-time high of 76.8 gigawatts (GW) on 02:50 PM local time a day earlier.

The figure was an increase of more than 5 GW from the same day in 2023, the Ministry said, adding that the increase was equivalent to the entire power demand in two Iranian central provinces with a combined population of 6 million people.   

Six provinces of Tehran, where the capital is located, Khuzestan, Mazandaran, Hormozgan, Fars and Bushehr were responsible for the bulk of electricity use in Iran on Sunday, the figures showed.

Temperatures have reached over 50 degrees Celsius in some southern provinces in Iran, causing a major rise is demand for cooling.

However, there has been no report of power cuts in the Iranian household sector although authorities have introduced scheduled power cuts for the industries.

Iran has a nominal power generation capacity of more than 90 GW which is mostly supplied from thermal power plants where natural gas or gas oil are burnt to produce electricity.

An official in Iran’s Thermal Power Plants Holding Company said on Monday that electricity generation capacity in thermal plants in the country had been increased by 0.8 GW this summer to help cope with rising demand for cooling.

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