Iran takes enhanced measures to facilitate voting for expatriates: Official

The Iranian government has implemented comprehensive measures to facilitate the participation of overseas Iranians in the snap presidential election, an effort to bridge the distance between the Iranian diaspora and their homeland, says an Iranian official.

Abdullah Sohrabi, Director-General of the High Council of Iranians Affairs Abroad at the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, detailed the initiatives during a Press TV interview.

The ministry has notably increased the number of ballot boxes by over 90, resulting in a total of 350 boxes strategically placed across 89 countries within 138 constituencies, he explained.

This expansion is a testament to the government's commitment to inclusivity and acknowledgment of every vote's value, echoing the sentiments of Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, leader of Iran's Islamic Revolution, Sohrabi said.  

He mentioned that they have also endeavored to protect the voting rights of Iranians in the face of harassment by anti-Iran elements in some countries.

"A legal committee has been established to address any acts of aggression against Iranians abroad and to provide legal backing, ensuring their rights are upheld."

Iranian diaspora a national asset

Sohrabi stated that Iranians have shown great determination to exercise their voting rights despite political and diplomatic constraints in some countries, including Canada and Bahrain.

"Despite challenges, such as the lack of cooperation from Canadian authorities, Iranians have shown determination to vote, with some traveling long distances to cast their ballots," he said.

The official emphasized that the Iranian diaspora, estimated at 5 million globally, is considered an asset and an opportunity for Iran, and the government is dedicated to serving the interests of all Iranians abroad.

"The late Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and President Ebrahim Raisi have both stressed the importance of engaging with Iranian citizens abroad, regardless of their political stance," he said.

"The administration is committed to supporting Iranians in various aspects, including economic, cultural, and societal matters."

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