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Iran, Azerbaijan to carry out tactical military exercises

This illustrative picture shows the national flags of the Republic of Azerbaijan (L) and the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Military divisions of Iran and Azerbaijan are scheduled to carry out a tactical drill in Azerbaijan’s exclave of Nakhchivan, as the two neighboring countries eye further promotion of bilateral relations in a wide range of spheres.

The exercises, involving military personnel, combat equipment, aviation vehicles, and unmanned aerial vehicles, are meant to further increase the decision-making skills of commanders and their level of professionalism, and enhance the interoperability of participating units, according to the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry.

During the exercises, which is held on Wednesday, various tasks on the protection of strategic objects and communication lines from possible sabotage activities are to be accomplished in a coordinated manner.

Back in early October last year, military officials from Azerbaijan and Iran reached an agreement on holding a joint naval exercise in the Caspian Sea.

The two sides also discussed the prospects for expansion of military cooperation between the naval forces of the South Caucasus country and the Islamic Republic.

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