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Hamas hails Iran’s retaliation as ‘natural right, deserved response’

Iranian drones and missiles launched at the Israeli-occupied territories are seen over Tel Aviv on April 14, 2024. (Photo via social media networks)

The Palestinian resistance movement Hamas has hailed Iran’s retaliatory strikes against the Israeli-occupied territories, praising the unprecedented reprisal operation as a “natural right and a deserved response”.

Hamas said in a statement on Sunday, “We in the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) consider the military operation carried out by the Islamic Republic of Iran against the occupying Zionist entity as a natural right and a deserved response to the crime of targeting the Iranian consulate in Damascus and assassinating a number of Revolutionary Guard leaders there.”

Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) targeted Israel late on Saturday with a barrage of drones and missiles in response to the regime’s deadly assault on the consular section of the Iranian Embassy in Damascus on April 1.

The retaliatory strikes have inflicted a yet-to-be-specified extent of damage on Israeli military bases across the occupied territories.

Hamas also demanded the continuation of international and regional support for Palestinians and their fight against the Israeli regime after Operation al-Aqsa Storm, the largest anti-Israel operation in decades that took place on October 7.

“While we affirm the natural right of states and peoples of the region to defend themselves in the face of Zionist attacks, we call on our Arab and Islamic nation, the free people of the world, and the resistance forces in the region to continue their support for the al-Aqsa Storm, and the right of our Palestinian people to freedom and independence and the establishment of a Palestinian State with Jerusalem [al-Quds] as its capital,” the Gaza-based resistance movement underlined.

The Israeli attack on Iran's diplomatic facilities in Syria resulted in the martyrdom of Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, a commander of the IRGC's Quds Force, his deputy, General Mohammad Hadi Haji Rahimi, and five of their accompanying officers.

The terrorist attack drew categorical condemnation from senior Iranian political and military leaders, who vowed "definitive revenge."

‘Israel only understands language of weapons’

In a statement on Sunday, the Palestinian Mujahideen Movement also hailed the Iranian retaliation as a “natural response” to Israel’s crimes against Iranian military and diplomatic leaders.

“We emphasize that the criminal Zionist enemy, supported by all the forces of evil in the world, understands only the language of weapons and force and is only deterred by striking it on the head,” the statement said.

Palestinian Mujahideen Movement also described the al-Aqsa Strom as a “turning point” in Palestinian history and an important opportunity for breaking free from the Israeli-American hegemony.

“We affirm that the time of our peoples' confrontation with the criminal corrupt Zionist entity is coming, and we call on all the free people of the nation and its living forces to unite ranks and engage against their true enemy, confronting the Zionist cancer and eradicating it from the body of the nation,” the statement added.

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