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'Dismantled Israel-linked spy network aimed to target sensitive Iranian defense center'

This file picture shows members of Iranian security forces during a military parade. (Photo by Tasnim news agency)

Iran's intelligence ministry says an espionage team affiliated with the Israeli regime’s spy agency Mossad, which was recently dismantled before it could carry out acts of sabotage in the country, had plans to blow up a sensitive defense facility.

The ministry, in a statement released on Wednesday evening, announced that the team had worked out the most intricate methods in order to geographically locate the target site, and destroy it through an enormous explosion.

The members of the spy network belong to the notorious anti-Iran Komala terrorist group, the statement said, adding that they had been specifically handpicked by the terror outfit’s head Abdullah Mohtadi and introduced to Mossad.

The ministry also stated that the network had sneaked their vast amount of military equipment and munitions into Iran through the semi-autonomous Kurdistan region in northern Iraq.

The statement went on to highlight that the ammunition comprised of eight powerful bombs aimed at blowing up the main target, and eight smaller bombs meant to obliterate devices used in the operation.

Several hand pistols, cellphones, laptops, fake identification cards and a significant amount of money in Iranian rials and foreign currencies were also recovered from the team.

The ministry warned the Israeli regime that its latest bid, although thwarted, will not go unanswered.

On Saturday, Iran’s Intelligence Ministry said in a statement that members of a terrorist group affiliated with Mossad had been identified and arrested by Iranian security forces before they could take any action to carry out acts of sabotage.

The ministry added that the terrorists, who were in contact with Mossad agents through one of the neighboring countries, had entered Iran from the Iraqi Kurdistan region.

The Iranian intelligence minister said earlier on Wednesday that the Islamic Republic has carried out “a number of successful operations” against Israel in recent months, besides thwarting several conspiracies hatched by the occupying Tel Aviv regime and anti-Iran terrorist groups.

Esmail Khatib noted that the operations “signify the security power” wielded by the Iranian Intelligence Ministry.

He went on to emphasize that enemies have failed in their attempts to undermine security in Iran.

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