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Iran’s wheat imports at 6.2 mln mt in 10 months to January

Iran says wheat imports reached over 6.2 million metric tons in the 10 months to late January.

Iranian agriculture ministry officials say wheat imports into the country has reached more than 6.2 million metric tons (mt) in the 10 months to late January.

Chief distribution and sales officer at the Iranian Government Trading Corporation (GTC) said on Wednesday that wheat imports had increased to record levels this year to respond to a growing demand for the grain in Iran.

Hojjat Baratali said the demand for wheat had risen by 6% in the month to January 19 compared to similar period last year, adding that total consumption is expected to increase by nearly 5% in the calendar year to late March to a nearly 11 million mt.

Baratali said that GTC had purchased nearly 4.5 million mt of wheat from domestic farmers as he insisted that supplies would be enough to meet the demand for the grain.

Iran has relied on imports from Russia and other countries to tackle a decline in domestic wheat output in recent years.

The government has increased several-fold its price for guaranteed purchase of wheat from local farmers as it seeks to encourage more domestic output and cut the imports.
Recent reports suggest the price will be 95,000 rials (US$0.37) per kilogram of wheat purchased from local farmers in the next harvesting season beginning May.

Record imports come more than two decades after Iran celebrated its self-sufficiency in wheat production.

Earlier statements by GTC officials show the state-run company plans to import another 2 million mt of wheat until the end of the calendar year in late March.

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