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US House top Dem. steps up attack on GOP: Legislative continuation of Jan. 6

TOPSHOT - Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi (C), D-CA, bows her head during a minute of silence during a prayer vigil on the first anniversary of the assault on the US Capitol, on the East Steps of the Capitol in Washington, DC on January 6, 2022. (AFP photo)

US House speaker Nancy Pelosi is stepping up attacks on GOP, claiming they are trying to "undermine our democracy" by taking measures amounting to "legislative continuation" of Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection at the Capitol by supporters of former President Donald Trump.

The California Democrat made the comments in an appearance on CBS News in the wake of the first anniversary of the protest aimed at overturning the results of the 2020 presidential election in favor of Trump.

"I think that the order of things is very appropriate. There's nothing more important for us to do than protect our Constitution and our democracy. What the Republicans are doing across the country is really a legislative continuation of what they did on January 6, which is to undermine our democracy, to undermine the integrity of our elections, to undermine the voting power, which is the essence of a democracy," Pelosi said.

Some US states are allegedly imposing new voting restrictions in an attempt to restrict people’s say, Democrats allege, as Trump keeps callingPresident Joe  Biden’s victory a “big lie.”

"Well it isn't a question of how we will handle something a year from now. What is important right now is how we protect and defend the Constitution and the voting rights," Pelosi said.

Republican legislators are reportedly responding to their losses in the 2020 election by introducing legislation that would make it harder for eligible Americans to vote.

Over the past year, the GOP has spared no effort to effectively use the 60-vote legislative filibuster to block voting rights and election reforms bills.

The latest comments comments come amid concerns among liberals that Trump could come back with a louder voice to win the 2024 presidential election.

Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer vowed recently to force a vote by Jan. 17 on changing the Senate's rules if Republicans block voting rights legislation.

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