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Information and Communications Technology

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Information and communication technologies sector is not only one of the fastest growing industries, but it is also empowering innovation and development inside the country.

ICT is among the largest employers in the country. ICT depends on knowledge capital and more human assets the sector can create job opportunities more effectively. An example of this can be seen in the technical and engineering services sectors as well.

ICT is an integral part of nearly all Iranian businesses. According to the World Telecommunication Organization, Iran is among the top three countries in the world with the highest growth rate in this area. According to Iran’s Ministry of ICT, in 2018, over 2% of Iran’s GDP was related to ICT.

Now, that figure stands at around 4.6% which, by comparison, is a significant growth. Early last year, the ICT industry was estimated to be worth 3.3 billion dollars. This figure is doubled that of 2013. ICT have many uses particularly in telecommunications, but probably the biggest use is to facilitate internet flow in the country.

The ICT ministry says that in terms of infrastructure development in the mobile network, iran is one of the countries with the most access. Mobile data usage is the highest form of internet use among Iranians. According to the ministry, broadband developments have provided 98% of Iranians and their businesses with internet.

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