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Israel frustrated by Palestinian resistance; Netanyahu seeks to fortify position: Analyst

Israeli rescue teams are pictured outside a damaged building which received a Palestinian rocket from the Gaza Strip, in the southern Israeli city of Ashdod, on May 17, 2021. (Photo by AFP)

The Israeli regime has been frustrated by the intense retaliatory attacks from the Palestinian resistance groups, says a political analyst, adding that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is using the chaotic situation in the occupied territories to fortify his political position embattled by long-time failure in forming a new cabinet.

Shobhan Saxena, an Indian journalist and political commentator from Sao Paulo, made the remarks in a Sunday edition of Press TV’s The Debate program while commenting on the latest Israeli onslaught against Palestinians in occupied Jerusalem al-Quds and the besieged Gaza Strip.

The Israeli military and illegal settlers intensified the regime’s violations against Palestinians across Jerusalem al-Quds, including on the al-Aqsa Mosque compound – Islam’s third-holiest site that is situated in al-Quds’ Old City – after the beginning of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan.

The military attacked thousands of worshippers on the compound, and also tried to evict Palestinians from al-Quds’ Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood.

Over the past week, the Tel Aviv regime has been launching large-scale airstrikes across Gaza, razing homes and civilian infrastructure to the ground. The Israeli artillery and tanks have also been targeting the blockaded coastal enclave.

The Palestinian resistance movement of Hamas and other groups have retaliated by firing thousands of rockets towards the occupied lands. Many of the projectiles have flown into the depths of the territories and well beyond.

Saxena told Press TV on Sunday that Israel receives billions of dollars in financial and military aid from the United States and other Western countries but the regime has become frustrated after Palestinians responded firmly to the onslaught.

“Israelis are very frustrated because Hamas is putting on a very strong resistance and launching rockets every day; they are taking the frustration out on the ordinary people in Gaza and the west bank as well,” the political analyst said.

Describing the latest conflict as a “God-sent opportunity” for Netanyahu as he has failed to form a new cabinet over the past year, Saxena said, the Israeli premier “wants chaos, he wants violence and wants to use this war-like situation to fortify himself politically and to inflict misery on the people of Gaza and the West Bank.”

Elijah Magnier, journalist and political analyst from Brussels, was the other panelist invited to The Debate and said the Israeli regime aimed to carry out “ethnic cleansing” by committing crimes against Palestinians.

“The target civilian areas and residential building, schools and hospitals to make sure that war is not only against the Palestinian resistance but on the entire population that is living in Gaza,” Magnier told Press TV.

The journalist also blasted Western leaders for keeping silent on the Israeli war crimes and failing to hold the regime responsible for genocidal attacks against Palestinian.

Despite international calls for an immediate halt of all hostilities, including from United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres, Netanyahu has pledged that the onslaught will continue.

Israel’s continued aerial bombardment of Gaza has so far killed at least 197 Palestinians and more than 1,200 people have been injured, according to Gaza’s Health Ministry.

International calls mounted for a ceasefire on Sunday, as the UN Security Council tried to issue a joint statement with that aim, only to be blocked by the US – a close ally of the Israeli regime.

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