Press TV's news headlines

India Covid crisis 

India's total Covid infections have soared past 20 million, after it reported more than 357,000 new cases in the past 24 hours. India’s caseload is the second largest in the world after the US. India is facing a deadly second wave of the disease, after the virus surged in the past few weeks. The government has been reluctant to impose a national lockdown due to the economic fallout. Opposition leader Rahul Gandhi says the government’s inaction is killing people and has called for the lockdown. The virus surge has caused severe shortages of medicines and oxygen supplies. Hospitals have been overstretched too. A number of countries have already sent aid to India to help it contain its health crisis.

Mexico City metro incident 

A train overpass has collapsed in the Mexican capital Mexico City, killing at least 23 people including children. The incident happened on Monday night. Mexico City’s mayor says 70 people were also injured, most of them are hospitalized. She says an investigation is underway to find the cause of the accident. The railway overpass collapsed onto a busy road while a metro train was passing. Firefighters and other rescue workers have suspended search for potential survivors. That’s due to concerns that more of the overpass and train cars could slam down onto the road.

Black Lives Matter 

American civil rights activist Al Sharpton has called for an end to racism in the country, urging lawmakers to take action to stop racial profiling. Sharpton was addressing people taking part in a funeral ceremony of Andrew Brown, an African-American killed by police. Sharpton called on law enforcement officials to release the whole tape of the police encounter with Brown. 42-year-old Brown was fatally shot during a morning raid at his home on April 21st when local sheriff's deputies tried to serve him with search and arrest warrants. His killing in mysterious circumstances has captured national attention. The United States has been the scene of mass anti-racism protests following the death of African-American George Floyd at the hands of a white officer last year.

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