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Sanders squanders America’s chances by endorsing Biden: Analyst

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Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden

American political analyst and activist Myles Hoenig says the only candidate that could have taken the US forward was Bernie Sanders, but he squandered America’s chances with his endorsement of Joe Biden, a warmongering politician who is subservient to Wall Street.

Hoenig, a former Green Party candidate for Congress, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Tuesday after Sanders endorsed Biden, the likely Democratic presidential nominee.

Sanders, the progressive candidate who last week suspended his presidential campaign, joined Biden in an online campaign event, citing the coronavirus outbreak as a reason for the party to come together.

That made for a stark contrast to 2016, when Sanders waited until the eve of the Democratic National Convention in the summer to support the then-nominee, Hillary Clinton.

Before the pandemic brought the Democratic primary contest to a virtual halt, Biden had built up a commanding delegate edge over Sanders, leading the Vermont senator to declare last week he saw no viable path to the nomination.

Hoenig said that only Hillary Clinton could lose to Trump, but being that she's not running, they have Biden to do the honors.

“Didn’t take long for Bernie Sanders to prove his bona fides as the Democratic Party’s sheepdog of the year! Sanders couldn’t even wait for the end of the regular season, and especially New York’s primary, to capitulate to everything he has fought against,” he said.

“Sanders clearly made this choice because he feels the #1 goal in life right now is to defeat Trump in 2020, yet he’s putting his money on the one person who could lose to him, since Hillary isn’t in the race this time. Except for defeating Trump, the most incompetent president to ever reside in the White House, policy wise there is very little that can distinguish one candidate from the other. On American imperialism and American exceptionalism, environmental degradation, labor, health care and so many other issues and crises that we’re faced with today, Biden and Trump have only nuanced differences in their policies,” he stated.  

“Many will say that the key issue, regardless of Biden’s many critical liabilities, is who will replace Ginsburg and others on the Supreme Court. On this, Biden’s record is poor, as he all but championed Clarence Thomas, the least qualified of any justice in the past century. But what really matters is whether or not the Senate turns over. That is where the power is with judicial nominations. Problem is that if it’s a Democratic Senate, they will rubber stamp a Democratic president’s choices, all in the name of bi-partisanship, meaning the most centrist (leaning right) they could find,” he noted.

“Not only will a Biden administration take us back to the war mongering days of Obama and his subservience to Wall Street at everyone else’s expense, but the man they are selecting is a drawback to the 1950s era of segregation, misogyny and rape culture, and Russophobia. The only candidate that could have taken the US forward deeper into the 21st century was Sanders, but he squandered this country’s chances with his endorsement of Biden,” he concluded.

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