Here is a brief look at Press TV Newsroom's headlines from 0900 GMT to 1700 GMT, November 17, 2018.


US deadly airstrikes

A monitoring group says US-led coalition’s airstrikes in Syria have left at least 43 people dead. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says 17 children were among the victims. The UK-based group added that the attacks targeted Dayr al-Zawr countryside in eastern Syria. The US-led coalition carries out regular air raids in Syria under the pretext of targeting Daesh terrorists. However, there have been many reports of civilian casualties on the ground. The coalition has acknowledged direct responsibility for over 1,100 civilian deaths in Syria and Iraq since 2014. But rights groups say the number of civilian victims is much higher.

US-China trade war

China and the United States have once again exchanged barbs over trade at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Papua New Guinea. Beijing and Washington have been at odds over trade issues for months now. The dispute began earlier this year, after US President Donald Trump imposed hefty tariffs on imports from China and a number of other countries, in line with his protectionist policies. The dispute has seen both sides imposing tit-for-tat measures. The Sino-US dispute has also raised concerns about the stability of the global economy.

France protests

Drivers have begun nationwide protests in France over rising fuel prices sparked by President Emmanuel Macron's reforms. The so-called Yellow Vests Movement says it expects a massive turnout at the demonstrations. The protesters are blocking major roads, highways and bridges. They have vowed to disrupt traffic across the country and block access to city centers and airports. Public anger over fuel costs has been simmering for months. Earlier this week, a poll found that 70-percent of the French public backs the protest campaign. Motorists blame taxes imposed by Macron. Over the past year, the cost of diesel, the most commonly used fuel in French cars, has risen by 23-percent.

Iraq-Iran ties

The Iranian and Iraqi presidents have pledged closer bilateral relations between the two countries and emphasized the importance of regional security and stability. Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani and his Iraqi counterpart held a joint press conference in Tehran on Saturday. Rouhani stressed on the significance of political and economic ties between the two neighbors, saying they had agreed on closer cooperation in energy, oil and environment sectors. He also noted that stability and security will benefit all regional countries and emphasized the need for establishing peace and security in Yemen and Syria. Iraqi President Barham Salih, for his part, said the people of Iraq understand the importance of bilateral ties with Iran and will not forget Tehran’s help in their fight against terrorism.

Poverty in UK

The United Nations has slammed the UK government over what it calls great misery inflicted by austerity policies. In a report, a UN human rights expert described the situation in the UK as “not just a disgrace, but a social calamity and an economic disaster, all rolled into one.” In his report, Philip Alston said about 14 million people which are a fifth of the UK’s population, live in poverty, adding that 1.5 million of them are even unable to afford basic essentials. The report also stressed that Brexit poses particular risks for people in poverty.

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