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US missile system in Romania threat to Russia: Analyst

The US missile station Aegis Ashore Romania is pictured at the military base in Deveselu, Romania, May 12, 2016. (Photo by AFP)

Press TV has conducted an interview with Mark Sleboda, an international affairs and security analyst, and Peter Sinnott, an independent scholar, to discuss the activation of a US missile site in Romania.

Sleboda says there is no doubt that the deployment of the US missiles in Romania at some level “poses a threat to Russia.” He says Moscow is concerned about the developments in the future that could create “a potential for first-strike” capability for the US.

He says American officials could claim that the missile system is designed for defensive purposes and is not a threat to Russia, but it would be “incorrect” and would not be stopping Russia from taking countermeasures.

Sinnott, for his part, says Russia has been aware of the capabilities of the missile deployed, which are for tracking and intercepting missiles; therefore, he says, they are not offensive weapons.

He claims Russia has been aggressive toward NATO states and this is why countries joined the organization and tried to build a missile defense system.

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