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Obama's vow to fight Daesh in Libya example of 'news theater'

Walt Peretto says US President Obama's vow to fight Daesh in Libya is a “continuation of the news theater scripted and released for mass consumption for people who trust the Western mainstream media as a reliable source of factually based news and information.”

An American writer and political analyst says US President Barack Obama's vow to fight the Daesh terrorist group in Libya is an example of “news theater.”

Walt Peretto made the remarks in a phone interview with Press TV on Friday, after Obama vowed to fight Daesh beyond Iraq and Syria if necessary, indicating that Washington is ready to take on the terrorist group in Libya.

Obama convened a meeting of the White House National Security Council (NSC) on Thursday to discuss the issue of Daesh, which has reportedly established a foothold in the North African country amid a worsening security situation there.  

"The President emphasized that the United States will continue to counter ISIL terrorist plotters in any country where it is necessary," the White House said following the meeting.

"The President directed his national security team to continue efforts to strengthen governance and support ongoing counterterrorism efforts in Libya and other countries where ISIL has sought to establish a presence," it added.

Organically grown terrorist group?  

Peretto said that the “statement by Obama is a continuation of the news theater scripted and released for mass consumption for people who trust the Western mainstream media as a reliable source of factually based news and information.”

“The goal of the US government is to continue the notion that the so-called 'war on terror' must be continuously fought to keep the homeland safe from ‘Islamic fundamentalist’ terrorism,” he stated.

“In reality, it is the US and its allies in the British Commonwealth, NATO, Israel, and the kingdoms on the Arabian Peninsula who have created the umbrella terms ISIL, ISIS, and Daesh to offer news consumers the notion that there is an organically grown terrorist organization which we must stop to keep the West safe.”

Strategy of managed chaos

“The real geopolitical goal of the West in creating these terror groups is to bring order out of chaos,” Peretto said.

“By destabilizing Syria, Iraq, Libya, and other countries, the US and their superiors in the international banking community based in Europe can control these countries by fear and intimidation while controlling their currencies and extracting their resources on behalf of Western multinational corporations, with eyes on Balkanization which means breaking up countries like Syria, Iraq, and Libya into their ethnic constituencies so they become divided and thus conquered,” he added.

“Of course Obama will never state these realities to the American public who are constantly kept out of the loop through disinformation and propaganda disseminated by the complicit and corrupt Western media. The terror groups operating in Syria, Iraq, and now Libya are not actually linked to each other in an organization whether you call it ISIL, ISIS, Daesh, or Al Qaeda which was the popular term in the 90s and last decade,” the analyst stated.  

US-trained mercenaries

“The only thing that links these groups are the fact that they are mercenaries trained and funded by the US and its allies to create chaos in these occupied countries which gives the 'organized psychopaths' a sense of order while continuing their agenda to establish a one world government and one world currency which of course they aim to control,” Peretto said.

“In the meantime, destabilization means perpetual war which they can profit from since war seems to be the most profitable human endeavor in today's socioeconomic system. All this is useful for instilling fear into the Western populace to keep people at the teat of government to protect them from a construct created by their own governments. This is why truth is stranger than fiction.”

People need to turn off Western media

The journalist went on to say that “millions of Western news consumers will believe the propaganda coming out of Washington and London and rally behind Obama and [British Prime Minister David ] Cameron while blindly getting suckered in by this chicanery.”

“People need to turn off the Western media, or at least come to the realization that the Western media is actually news theater created to alter the mindsets of the masses in order to control their belief systems and thus become manipulated into thinking in a manner that the international banking community and 'organized psychopath' can benefit from as they create a dystopic new world system of complete psychopathic control of the world, its people, and its resources.”

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