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Israel main beneficiary of chaos in Middle East: Scholar

A Takfiri terrorist fires a heavy machine gun during clashes with Syrian forces on the frontline facing Deir al-Zoghb in the northwestern Idlib province on August 31, 2015. (©AFP)

Press TV has conducted an interview with Shabbir Hassanally, activist and Islamic scholar from London, to discuss Israel’s role in fueling insecurity and instability in the Middle East region.

The following is a rough transcription of the interview.

Press TV: You definitely listened to the former Lebanese president’s remarks, Israel benefits most from the political assassinations in Lebanon. What is Israel gaining from these assassinations?

Hassanally: Israel is an entity that doesn’t tolerate stability and calm around it. It makes all these noises about “Oh, my God, we’re so frightened” blob blob blob. But actually they love this chaos that’s all around them. Because while this chaos all around them in Lebanon, in Syria, in Jordan, in Egypt, everywhere, what the Israelis end up doing is controlling it.

In chaos…they end up essentially creating a scenario, where those particular countries around it cannot pose a viable resistance to the Israeli atrocities.

And it’s very interesting that former president Emile Lahoud has said that we have to look at who benefits, while there may not be any tangible proof because those people who have the proof are hiding it, which really goes without saying. The people who benefit the most without a doubt are Israel.

Look at the chaos that they have managed to cause through propaganda. Remember when something happens that is detrimental to, for example, Lebanon or even to an individual you must look at who benefits, who gains the most.

For example, if we look at Daesh and Syria, if Hezbollah and the Syrian army had not been able to make resistance against Daesh and Jabhat al-Nusra and all of this stuff who would have benefited, who benefits today with the chaos that’s happening in Syria.

Clearly Syria doesn’t benefit, Lebanon doesn’t benefit, the Arab countries don’t benefit, even though Erdogan is likely mentally challenged and suggested Turkey is like this, Turkey doesn’t benefit, no one benefits except the Zionist cancer.

The only entity to benefit is the Zionist cancer and also Saudi, because Saudis are lap dogs of Israel like [former] president Lahoud said, at the end of the day America and Saudi are nothing but workhorses for the Zionist bloc be at in Tel Aviv, be in Washington, be at in New York, be at in London... So, definitely Israel benefits without any doubts. It’s clearly obvious sadly.

Press TV: Given that the Israeli media has the benefit to Western media censorship when it comes to reflecting news about what is going on in Palestine and elsewhere in the region, do you think world would buy such false-flags that Israel raises?

Hassanally: The tragedy is that a lot of the people the Sheeplism, people call them, will buy anything that TV channels tell them be the CNN or whatever. CNN, BBC, whatever channels say people will turn around and say.

I have people in my own family who sometimes get very heated up when I say that actually half of 90 percent of what you’re being told by BBC is stories, it’s not real.

The media is extremely strong, but as I’ve said before there is a change happening. A lot of the younger people don’t trust the media. They don’t trust BBC and CNN and Fox and all of these people.

And also interestingly when a channel is embargoed, when a channel is blocked, I found that people tend to ask a lot more questions about it. It happened with Press TV, it happened with al-Alam, and more recently is now happening with al-Mayadeen, and of course the first one was al-Manar.

Al-Mayadeen since the Saudi Zionists decided they were going to taking off the partially-owned Arabsat network, I found a lot of people asked me how they can watch al-Mayadeen. And some of these people their Arabic is not so good. Al-Mayadeen is Arabic-only channel. We have the same experience when al-Alam and al-Manar were taken offline.

And there are ways in the internet even though Theresa May here wants to control the internet extremely strongly, at the end of the day there’s nothing illegal about watching a TV channel online. It’s perfectly legal, it’s fine.

So, and people will watch it. People will see what’s happening in the real news, in the real world, and slowly there will be a change, but it will take time because, like you yourself have said, the mass media is extremely strong and unfortunately people are conditioned to believe what that mass media says. I remember when I was a child, we used to believe that if the BBC World Service said something, it was true…

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