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Galloway to rejoin Labour if Corbyn elected as party leader

File image of former UK MP George Galloway © AFP

Former British MP George Galloway says he is ready to rejoin the Labour Party if Jeremy Corbyn is elected as its leader.

Asked if he would rejoin a Corbyn-led party, he said: "Definitely. Pretty damn quick. And I think hundreds of thousands of people would."

Speaking on LBC Radio, Galloway said his opinions on the Labour Party may change if Jeremy Corbyn is elected as the leader of the party.

"And if it wasn't for Mr. Blair and the Iraq War, I would never have been out of the Labour party in the first place," he reiterated.


 Galloway says he may change his mind about Labour Party if Jeremy Corbyn is elected as its leader. (Photo by The Independent)


Galloway was forced to leave the Labour Party back in 2003 after calling the then Labour government "Tony Blair's lie machine" for involving the UK in the US-led invasion of Iraq.

As one of the fierce critics of Iraq war, Galloway had called on British troops to stop fighting in the Arab country.

"I've always been a Labour man. I consider myself 'real Labour' - I've never been a Marxist or a Trotskyist, or any other kind of '-ist' other than a Labourist," he noted.

Meanwhile, according to the UK media reports, Jeremy Corbyn has a 22-point lead over his rivals in the race for the leadership of Labour Party.


Jeremy Corbyn takes part in a Labour Party leadership conference in Warrington, north west England on July 25, 2015. (AFP photo)


It is speculated that 42% of party members intend to vote for him as their first choice, compared to 22.6% for Yvette Cooper and 20% for Andy Burnham.

Labour leadership vote is expected to kick off in mid August with final results scheduled to be released on September 12.

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