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US, allies' WMDs biggest threat to world: Pundit

Unpunished Crimes

Press TV has conducted an interview with Ken O'Keefe, a peace activist and former US Marine from London, and Lee Kaplan, an investigative journalist from San Francisco, to discuss the war crimes committed by the US and its allies during their unjustified invasion of Iraq allegedly to annihilate weapons of mass destruction (WMD) Saddam Hussein had in his arsenals.

O'Keefe says Saddam Hussein was a favorite trading partner for the US and its allies for many years and it was Washington that supplied him with WMDs, including chemical weapons, during his attack against the Iranian territories.

The real threats to humanity are in fact the purveyors of WMDs, such as the United States, which is the biggest producer, distributor and user of these weapons in the world, he underlines.

Meanwhile, Kaplan believes that Saddam Hussein, as the main exporter of terrorism, was a grave threat to security across the world, including in the Middle East region, adding that the US attack on Iraq saved the globe from his imminent threat.  


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