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Stop plotting and trickery in Yemen, Iran general tells West

Iranian Armed Forces' Chief of Staff Major General Hassan Firouzabadi.

Iranian Armed Forces' Chief of Staff Major General Hassan Firouzabadi has accused the Western governments of being deceitful about the ongoing security situation in Yemen.

Firouzabadi said Wednesday that the decision by Western governments to close  their embassies in Sana’a is part of their deceptive scheme about security conditions in the Arab country.

“One can smell conspiracy from the conduct of the Americans, the British and the French. They are using trickery and making a fuss,” Firouzabadi added.

"In Yemen, there has never been any insecurity unless the Americans and their followers in Europe want to give rise to it,” he said, adding that the Yemeni capital is one of the most secure cities in the Middle East. 

He added that the way the Western governments are dealing with the issue of Yemen proves they have no control over this country.

“They better stop being malicious and deceitful,” emphasized Firouzabadi.

The United States, Britain and France have announced that their embassies in Yemen will close and have urged citizens to leave the country amid the ongoing turmoil.

The leader of Yemen's Shia Ansarullah movement Abdel-Malik al-Houthi said Tuesday that Western governments are trying to spread fear in Yemen by closing down their embassies in the Arab country.

"These are some people trying to spread fear among the diplomatic missions, aiming to scare them to the extent that they would flee the country even though they have realized that they live in a stable security situation," he said.

In September 2014, Ansarullah fighters gained control of Sana’a, following a four-day battle with army which is still viewed as loyal to the former dictator, Ali Abdullah Saleh.

The Ansarullah revolutionaries say the Yemeni government has been incapable of properly running the affairs of the country and providing security. The movement has established a transitional council to govern the country until a new government is elected.


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