Politics11 months ago
Iran's Leader: Normalization with Israel ‘betting on a losing horse’
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has rebuked countries seeking to normalize relations with Israel, stating that “the Zionist regime is perishable”.
Iran's Leader: Normalization with Israel ‘betting on a losing horse’
Politicsone year ago
Iran: Indigenous mechanisms, regional cooperation guarantee sustainable security
Iran's security chief says a regional security depending on other countries cannot be lasting.
Iran: Indigenous mechanisms, regional cooperation guarantee sustainable security
Yemenone year ago
‘Muslim countries must take decisive stance against desecration of sanctities’
The leader of Yemen’s Ansarullah movement urges Muslim countries to take a categorical position against desecration of their sanctities.
‘Muslim countries must take decisive stance against desecration of sanctities’
Politicsone year ago
Iran summons Danish ambassador again over Qur'an desecration
Iran has once again summoned the Danish Ambassador to Tehran Jasper Vahr to protest against the repeated acts of desecration of the Holy Qur'an in Copenhagen.
Iran summons Danish ambassador again over Qur'an desecration
News Headlinesone year ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 16:00 GMT, July 31, 2023
Press TV's news headlines
Reportsone year ago
Shia Muslims in Denmark condemn desecration of Qur'an
Shia Muslims in Denmark have vented their anger at the recent wave of sacrilegious acts against the Holy Qur'an across Scandinavia.
Shia Muslims in Denmark condemn desecration of Qur'an
Politicsone year ago
Iran says Israel fingerprints visible in acts of desecration against Holy Qur'an
Iran says Israel's fingerprints can be traced in the acts of desecration that have targeted the Holy Qur'an in Sweden and Denmark.
Iran says Israel fingerprints visible in acts of desecration against Holy Qur'an
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