Politics26 days ago
Qatari PM to pay visit to Iran amid regional tensions: Reports
Qatar’s Prime Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim al-Thani will reportedly visit Tehran in the upcoming days amid regional tensions.
Qatari PM to pay visit to Iran amid regional tensions: Reports
Politicsone month ago
Doha talks: Iran warns about ‘deceit, dishonesty’ of Israel, US
Commenting on Gaza ceasefire talks underway in Qatar, Iran has warned about “the deceit and dishonesty” of the criminal Israeli regime and its the United States.
Doha talks: Iran warns about ‘deceit, dishonesty’ of Israel, US
Palestineone month ago
Hamas says will not accept new truce conditions from Israel: Report
The Palestinian resistance movement Hamas reportedly says it will not accept new truce conditions from the Israeli regime.
Hamas says will not accept new truce conditions from Israel: Report
Palestineone month ago
Iran urges ‘practical measures’ to end Israeli genocide in Gaza
Iran’s interim Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani underlines the need for “practical measures” aimed at putting an end to Israel’s ongoing Gaza genocide.
Iran urges ‘practical measures’ to end Israeli genocide in Gaza
Gaza under attackone month ago
The rise of Yahya Sinwar
A message of defiance: the appointment by Hamas of Yahya Sinwar, the man widely believed to have masterminded Operation Al-Aqsa Storm, as its political leader.
The rise of Yahya Sinwar
News Headlinesone month ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 09:00 GMT, August 09,2024
Press TV's news headlines
Politicsone month ago
Iran, Qatar underscore need for immediate truce in Gaza
Iran's first vice president and Qatar’s emir underscored the need for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, as Israel continues its atrocities in the besieged enclave.
Iran, Qatar underscore need for immediate truce in Gaza
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