cost of living
Reports11 months ago
National demo against growing inequalities, attacks on welfare state
Tens of thousands of people attended a demonstration in Rome against growing inequalities and attacks on the welfare state in Italy.
National demo against growing inequalities, attacks on welfare state
News Bulletin11 months ago
Thousands march against ruling coalition in German city of Schweinfurt
Thousands of German demonstrators march through the city of Schweinfurt in protest at the ruling coalition's policies.
Thousands march against ruling coalition in German city of Schweinfurt
More11 months ago
UK’s cost-of-living crisis, high prices to cause thousands of premature deaths: Study
A new study shows that Britain’s cost-of-living crisis is set to cause premature deaths among thousands this year.
UK’s cost-of-living crisis, high prices to cause thousands of premature deaths: Study
News Headlinesone year ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 17:00 GMT, August 14, 2023
Press TV's news headlines
Societyone year ago
UK cost of living crisis: When will it end?
A UK parliamentary committee has heard from the CEOs of some of the country’s major supermarkets which have been accused of grotesque profiteering in the middle of a cost of living crisis.
UK cost of living crisis: When will it end?
Societyone year ago
Britain's cost-of-renting crisis
A housing crisis is crippling the lives of renters in the UK as high demand and a staggering decline in available properties have resulted in tenants across the country facing a dramatic increase in the price of rent.
Britain's cost-of-renting crisis
Spotlightone year ago
Strikes in Europe
Europe is hit by wave of strikes and protests amid high energy prices and unprecedented rise in living costs.
Strikes in Europe
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