Asylum Seekers
IN-DEPTHone year ago
The refugee crisis and Bibby Stockholm housing barge fiasco in UK
The Bibby Stockholm, which docked off the Dorset Coast last month, was supposed to house as many as 500 refugees, a few dozen of whom were sent aboard, and then removed due to the discovery of Legionnaire’s disease in the water supply of the barge.
The refugee crisis and Bibby Stockholm housing barge fiasco in UK
On The News Lineone year ago
UK under fire over controversial immigration policy
Britain has moved dozens of asylum-seekers to a large residential barge on its southern coast.
UK under fire over controversial immigration policy
Societyone year ago
Britain moves 1st group of asylum-seekers to Bibby Stockholm barge
Thousands of asylum-seekers annually travel to Britain on small dinghies, risking their lives to cross the English Channel.
Britain moves 1st group of asylum-seekers to Bibby Stockholm barge
EUone year ago
Dutch government collapses over refugee policy
The Dutch coalition government falls after ministers fail to agree on how to handle the number of asylum seekers entering the Netherlands.
Dutch government collapses over refugee policy
Politicsone year ago
Archbishop of Canterbury says migration bill to damage UK’s reputation
The bill prohibits asylum claims for anyone arriving in the UK illegally.
Archbishop of Canterbury says migration bill to damage UK’s reputation
IN-DEPTHone year ago
'Germany’s plan to dump asylum-seekers in Africa shows disdain for human rights'
Germany is showing complete disdain for international conventions on human rights by sending away asylum-seekers to Africa or Eastern Europe with sheer impunity, according to an analyst.
'Germany’s plan to dump asylum-seekers in Africa shows disdain for human rights'
News Headlinesone year ago
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