News Headlines2 years ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here is the latest top stories from Press TV on October 26, 2021.
Press TV's news headlines
News Headlines3 years ago
Press TV's news headlines
Iran’s permanent representative to the United Nations calls for the formation of a truly inclusive government in Afghanistan that is emerged from a free and fair election.
Press TV's news headlines
Afghanistan3 years ago
Official: Kabul airport 90% operational after chaotic US evacuation
A Qatari official says Afghanistan's Kabul airport is about 90% ready for operation following a chaotic US evacuation that damaged parts of the facility. 
Official: Kabul airport 90% operational after chaotic US evacuation
InfoClips3 years ago
Taliban celebrate victory as US officially ends 20 years of occupation
The United States completed its withdrawal from Afghanistan late Monday, ending America’s longest war and closing a chapter in military history likely to be remembered for colossal failures, unfulfilled promises and a frantic final exit that cost the lives of more than 180 Afghans and 13 US service members, some barely older than the war.
Taliban celebrate victory as US officially ends 20 years of occupation
Foreign Policy3 years ago
McMaster: Afghanistan war 'ended in self-defeat' for the US
Former US national security adviser H.R. McMaster has said that the war in Afghanistan “ended in self-defeat” for the United States .
McMaster: Afghanistan war 'ended in self-defeat' for the US
News Headlines3 years ago
Press TV's news headlines
The US president says the evacuation of foreign troops and citizens from Afghanistan is expected to complete before the August 31 deadline.
Press TV's news headlines
Reports3 years ago
Taliban to unveil new governing framework for Afghanistan
Taliban leaders are busy these days as they are facing the challenge of good governance in Afghanistan.
Taliban to unveil new governing framework for Afghanistan
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