Al Aqsa
Palestineone year ago
Palestinians say Israeli calls for frequenting al-Aqsa ‘declaration of war’
Resistance leaders say calls by Israelis to increase their presence in the Mosque must be confronted.
Palestinians say Israeli calls for frequenting al-Aqsa ‘declaration of war’
News Headlinesone year ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 10:00 GMT, June 09, 2023
Press TV's news headlines
Palestineone year ago
Netanyahu bans non-Muslim visits to al-Aqsa Mosque until end of Ramadan
Israeli settlers will be banned from al-Aqsa Mosque until the end of Ramadan, says Netanyahu's office.
Netanyahu bans non-Muslim visits to al-Aqsa Mosque until end of Ramadan
News Headlinesone year ago
Press TV's News Headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 09:00 GMT, on April 1, 2023.
Press TV's News Headlines
On The News Line2 years ago
Resistance operation: Elad
Another deadly operation hits an Israeli city, amid mounting tensions in the occupied territories.
Resistance operation: Elad
Palestine Declassified2 years ago
Incursions on Al-Aqsa
With the continued Israeli assaults on al-Aqsa, the beating of worshippers and the shooting of journalists, it is essential we hone in on the movement behind this apocalyptic campaign.
Incursions on Al-Aqsa
Palestine2 years ago
US lawmakers slam attack on Palestinian worshipers
US lawmakers Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib condemn the Israeli forces’ attack on al-Aqsa Mosque, injuring scores of worshipers during the holy month of Ramadan.
US lawmakers slam attack on Palestinian worshipers
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